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Year - 2012
Scores - 792621 Vote
runtime - 2 Hour 22Min
actor - Stanley Tucci
Gary Ross
tomatometer - 7,3 of 10

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Went to this movie with a lot of hype and a lot of word of mouth unfortunately it was for movie based on a book must have been lifted from many a b 80's movies... i watched this movie and thought saw this in running man with Claude van Dame's hard target also the society out of a handmaiden's tale with Natasha Richardson and many many b movies that tend to play late night on cine-max back in the nnifer Lawrence gives a great performance in this tripe though and woody Harrelson was good but questions are why was Elizabeth banks in such gosh awful attire. also the movie was just too long with a lot of leaden dialogue and a lot of slow periods my goodness i saw this on cheap night because no way would i ever pay full price for this i call this awful. look for a ode to romeo and Juliette near the end. A bad experience to all plus the clichéd dictatorial rule my goodness how many movies has that been in. The pacing was poor and where did the love come in after the first scenes thought it was going in a another woe is me.

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Hry o život download full windows 7. Hry o život download full episodes. Hry o c5 pivot download full edition. Hry o život download full version. An attempt to switch "The Hunger Games" into "Katniss Everdeen" would be very lame. You couldn't think of the film without thinking of Katniss; and too you can't imagine Katniss without having a fixed thought on the movie either. The two artistic creations are impossibly separable from each other, just like United States of America and her idea on democracy. I think it is fair to purchase an opinion that "The Hunger Games" series starts on a high note. The first instalment of an ambitious 4-movies series is far from being weak or ineffective. Although it stayed with its flawed points, The Hunger Games" is still completely decent.
Set in a dystopian future in the nation of Panem. Panem is likely to be located in North America of today's world-map; to match with an imagination of an empire that covers the lands of Canada and USA, or probably Mexico too. The nation consists of a wealthy state named Capitol, and 12 poorer states which are just being called as District 1, District 2, District 3…and District 12. Every year, as a punishment, one male and one female from the age of 12 to 18 will be selected from each district to participate in the Hunger Games, where the players will fight to the death in an arena, and the sole survivor will be the victor. In the 74th Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) reluctantly volunteered to replace her sister to be the female tribute (female participant) for District 12, as her undying love for her family overcomes her self-ego that possibly contains her. Her choice on not saving her sister from the Games was actually not an option at all.
Gary Ross's vision on Panem is very close to what my personal discovery on the modern society or humanity would be like; or at least, a tease. In the poorer states, which are the 12 Districts, the people are being dressed in a very natural, humane-style. But on the other hand, the wealthy people in the Capitol are very eccentric looking, or simply an image of absurd investments by them to provide paths for ugliness. My view on the mentioned points would be related to people in general who are merely slaves to anything that is modern or 'fashionable. The rich from the Capitol are likely belong to that group of people, as they are easily exposed to and influenced by the outside world; whereas the poor from the 12 districts have less exposure to anything that would lightly bring destruction upon them.
"The Hunger Games" too was pointing out on the righteous humans- sensitivity that is slowly draining out from us; perhaps the assumptions are false, but undeniably the facts do stay in the characters of the story. The sense on it withered; the slightest acts to consider on containing a person's heart are buying less. It is too dense, it is relentless. I am in reluctance to indicate the scenes which would unveil the assertions that I made, but one of the moments would probably be on the humiliation that Katniss faced by the wealthy when she is merely trying to fairly display her capability to prepare herself for the games. Their brains are dead, and sensibility is long-gone.
The performances are responsible for setting it apart from other ordinary teenage-dream movies. Many big-budgeted over-hyped young adult fiction pictures are absolute failure, but thankfully, Games' is pleasant. Jennifer Lawrence is terrific, Woody Harrelson is terrific, Elizabeth Banks is terrific and Stanley Tucci is terrific. The characters' personas, on either side, are so well captured by terrific stars. Great thanks to the talented cast, which occupied personal-charms in its own level.
'Games' hits on frustration through its self-obsessed editing and the overused employment of shaky hand-held. Gary Ross sure has his own idea or reasons on the practice, but it never gets me. My animosity for the vision is not deep, but the touch of admiration that I would have for it is not a success either. Firstly, the work on shaky camera gives a pain in the head. Secondly, especially during the earlier parts of the film where The Reaping Is taking place, have failed to establish a connection between me and the poor in the state (District 12. Therefore, personal emotions that should have been carried out to audiences, are not reaching.
The characters are flat out dumb and laughable at times. It aims at the forgettable bad guys specifically, who act on not wanting to be humans, but to behave in accordance with an unfavourable writing that even a horror is mistaken for a comedy. Peeta Mellark? He is one of the worst characters to have ever appeared on screen. It is a weakness when a dumb and insulting character is overshadowed by a far more superior heroine. Take Peeta out, and the movie would fare better.
"The Hunger Games" is one of the few films that really bite me. I am not referring to its characters, but the reflections that were being addressed. The voices are essential, but only in my thoughts, hinged from my personal experiences. I firmly believe that "The Hunger Games" as a whole, is a tragedy. It gets to a stage where leadership completely devours its society, and with support, it stands with hypocrisy so terrible that it lies with a talent of only causing pain. A very powerful fiction though.
Score: 2/4


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